UK Department for International Development Central Research Department ______________________________________________________ Fostering Trust and Transparency in Governance Investigating and Addressing the Requirements for Building Integrity in the Public Sector Information Systems in the ICT Environment Lesotho Case Study Visit by Michael Hoyle and Dr Justus Wamukoya 8 to 28 July 2006 International Records Management Trust November 2006 CONTENTS Introduction 3 Terms of Reference Notes on the Methodology Acknowledgements 3 3 4Executive Summary 4Findings 5 Human Resources and Pay Processes Manual Systems and Records Electronic Systems and Records Human Resources Payroll and Recordkeeping Issues Ministry of Education, Teachers Services Department and Teachers Personal Files Decentralisation and Local Government The State Archives and Records Management 5 10 12 15 17 19 21 Summary and Recommendations 22 Appendix APeople Consulted 24Appendix BBackground on Government Reform and Electronic Governance Initiatives 26Appendix CBackground on the Public Service of Lesotho 30Appendix DBackground on Decentralisation and Local Government 32Appendix EBackground on the State Archives and Records Management 33Appendix FInformation on Casualty Return 35Appendix GStaff Information Database, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security 36Appendix HSample Record Fields in the UNIQUE System as Viewed at the Treasury Department 38 INTRODUCTION 1 The Government of Lesotho is undertaking major reforms in the public sector that include introducing computerised systems aimed at improving slow and manual information handling, eliminating the loss of vital information and improving work flow. Lesotho is also moving forward to enhance its ICT capacity and to develop its e-Government capability. In this environment, strategies for managing electronic records and digital information need to be developed to ensure that important evidence is preserved and government actions are transparent over time. This study considers the manual systems and the development of electronic recordkeeping as they relate to human resources and payroll in the public service of Lesotho. Terms of Reference 2 Michael Hoyle and Dr Justus Wamukoya visited Maseru, Lesotho from 8 to 28 July 2006. The methodology for the study comprised three parts: * collecting qualitative information, including conducting interviews and carrying out documentary research about public sector reform, electronic governance initiatives, pay and personnel processes and records management * gaining an understanding of the information flows between the human resources functions and payroll * sampling employee records to assess the quality of personnel and payroll information. Notes on the Methodology 3 An in-depth analysis was made of the pay and human resource processes and associated records in the Government of Lesotho. This involved visits and discussion with senior officials in the following agencies: * Ministry of Education * Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security * Ministry of Public Service * Treasury Department within the Ministry of Finance and Planning. 4 In addition, an attempt was made to track fifty public servant records to ascertain their completeness, accuracy and currency of information. A separate examination was also made of teachers’ personal files in the Teachers Services Department. 5 Viewing personal records of civil servants and teachers was a sensitive exercise. Gaining access to files required a fair degree of tact and diplomacy, and it quickly became clear that viewing 50 files was not practical. Confidentiality is taken seriously in Lesotho, and certain personal information could not be made available. Staff from the respective ministries were required to remain with the research team in all situations. Acknowledgements 6 The Trust would like to thank the many government officials who offered support and assistance. In particular Mr JT Metsing, Principle Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture, with responsibility for the State Archives, took an interest in the project and provided support by facilitating communications through his office and a visit to the highlands of Lesotho. In addition, Mr Kenneth Hlasa, the Accountant General, met twice formally and once informally with the team members to discuss issues and provide background information on payroll and human resource matters. Ms Ntina Qhobosheane, Senior Archivist in the State Archives worked tirelessly in setting up meetings, obtaining relevant documents and assisting in aspects of the research with team members. 7 The Project Manager of the Public Financial Management Programme in the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Mr Peter James, provided enormous logistical help prior to the visit as well as arranging meetings with officials at the Finance Ministry. He also made possible the opportunity to explain the project at the regular meeting of donors and took a broad interest in the activities of the research team. Mr Rajeev Ahal, Adviser on Decentralisation and Rural Development in the German Decentralisation Programme (Ministry of Local Government and GTZ) arranged a number of meetings at the Ministry of Local Government, including one with the Commissioners of the Local Government Services Commission that provided an opportunity to outline the project in a formal setting. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 Human resource management and pay processes are a part of the reform process. It is difficult to gain an accurate figure of the exact size of the public service. At present processes are manual, although parts have been computerised. (paras 14 to 22) 9 Records associated with these processes also are largely manual and although the system works fairly well, there are a number of significant issues including timeliness on acting on documentation and its filing. There have been attempts to computerise systems but these have not been entirely successful and new systems are to be introduced. There is a clear need to ensure recordkeeping functionality in these new systems to ensure long term survival of records. Records procedures need to be developed and training of staff undertaken. Once new processes are introduced internal and external audit should review the mechanisms to ensure personnel and payroll information is consistent and accurate. (paras 23 to 58) 10 Teachers’ files were in reasonable condition although there were backlogs in filing. The Teachers Services Department and State Archives should review the operations of a ‘teachers’ archive’ and the long term retention needs of records. (paras 59 to 66) 11 Decentralisation and local government is a significant part of the reform process in Lesotho. This is likely to have a major impact on recordkeeping in government in general and on human resource and payroll information in particular. Capacity and the need to manage records in often isolated parts of the country will pose a challenge. (paras 67 to 77) 12 The State Archives role in records management has been limited largely due to low capacity and little recognition of its potential role. While the Archives has moved into an excellent new building, there is an urgent need to review its legislation and assess staff resource needs. This is critical in terms of developing a central institution that can co-ordinate and assist with broad recordkeeping issues in government (paras 78 to 84) 13 A summary and recommendations are found at the end of the report (paras 85 to 90), and contextual information is provided in the Appendices. FINDINGS Human Resources and Pay Processes 14 Effective implementation of the human resource function and information management within government is part of the reform agenda in Lesotho. Accurate human resource information for informed decision making is viewed as critical. Components of the reform agenda include: * reviewing the current human resource (HR) information system * designing an appropriate HR information system * procuring computers and accessories * installing systems and connecting ministries to the payroll application and to the Ministry of Public Service network * training HR officers on the new human resource information system (HRIS) * computerising HR information and records * establishing IT liaisons within line Ministries.1 15 The Establishment List, managed by the Ministry of Public Service, indicates that there is approximately 20,900 staff in the Lesotho Public Service. It is difficult, however, to determine the actual and precise size of the Public Service. During discussions different figures were provided. The number of public servants being paid is somewhere between 35,000 and 37,000 employees. Various explanations were given for this discrepancy, including the fact that the following categories of staff are not on the establishment list: * employees on short-term contracts * office assistants * staff on special projects. 16 It also was suggested that the numbers are not necessarily accurate because ministries submit monthly salary bills late. It was noted that due to financial constraints non-funded vacancies on the Establishment List can not be filled automatically. Ministries must first apply to Treasury through the Ministry of Public Service for funding before advertising positions. Although there is no freeze on recruitment, lower level positions are keenly scrutinised in view of the fact that the Public Service is bottom heavy. 17 Managing public servants from recruitment through their careers, involving promotions, transfers, leave, allowances, pensions and ultimately retirement is generally a manual process. Although the Public Service Commission plays a prominent part in the recruitment process, and the Ministry of Public Service sets policy and allocates employment numbers to new public servants, many human resource functions have been devolved to ministries. For example, new graduate entry positions are not advertised through the Public Service Commission and these vacancies are filled as they arise based on first-come, first-serve basis. However, ministries are required to consult relevant public service professionals when filling various cadre positions. For example, human resource cadre positions have to be endorsed by Ministry of Public Service and accountant positions are supported by the Accountant General. 18 The ministries and agencies directly involved in the appointment process include: * recruiting ministry * Public Service Commission * Ministry of Public Service * Treasury Department within the Ministry of Finance and Planning. 19 The Public Service Act notes that the Public Service Commission, subject to the provisions of the Constitution has the power to: …appoint persons to hold or act in offices in the public service (including the power to confirm appointments) and the power to terminate appointments of such persons, save the power to discipline and terminate appointments of such officers for disciplinary reasons, is vested in the Commission.2 20 The Ministry of Public Service is responsible for developing public service policies, regulations and codes of best practice and is broadly responsible for employee relations, organisational development and training, and the allocation of employment numbers across the public service. 21 The Treasury (within the Ministry of Finance and Development) is responsible for traditional treasury functions including the payroll. Although there is one central payroll, parts of the pay and human resource process involving categories of staff including teachers, soldiers and police are administered separately. 22 The flow diagram below sets out the recruitment process from the decision to fill a vacancy through to payroll action. Included are manual and electronic systems associated with records creation, distribution and management. Manual Systems and Records 23 The key document throughout the entire human resource management process in the Government of Lesotho is the casualty return (see Appendix F). The casualty return, a vital source document for pay control, triggers all action regarding any aspect of a public servant’s pay and allowances. Different coloured carbon copies of the return are forwarded to relevant agencies, with the colour denoting where the copy should be sent. These agencies include: * Ministry of Public Service – pink copy * Treasury Department – white copy * Office of the Auditor General – green copy * line ministry – yellow copy * districts – blue copy. 24 As part of the research methodology, the consultants tracked personal information relating to a dozen public servants from the Ministry of Agriculture through the Ministry of Public Service to the Treasury. On the whole, documentation was good, as each file had its correct employee number and most contained accurate application information, personal information, including date of birth, letters of appointment, date of first appointment, details of educational qualifications, position titles, designation and grades and base salary information. 25 All public servants are allocated an employment number. No public servant can be employed without this number, and it is a fundamental part of the overall management of individual public servants. Numbers are allocated by the Central Registry at the Ministry of Public Service. Registry staff use a bound register to allocate the next available number, and any staff member can allocate the next number. These registers are not held securely; they sit in the open registry work area. They have been given informal names such as the ‘beautiful girl’ and ‘bad boy.’ These names appear to be simply an internal mechanism for remembering the name of the register and do not have any relevance to its contents. 26 Headings in the register include: * Employment Number * Name * Position * Probation period * Employing Ministry or Department. 27 All personal files, whether in the ministry where the public servant is employed, the Ministry of Public Service or the Treasury, have the employment number written on the cover. For example at the Ministry of Agriculture the number for the file would be AG/P/49563, at the Ministry of Public Service MPS/P/49563 and at the Treasury TP/ 49563. Files are organised by employment number. They are not managed by employee name in ministries or ministry name within the Ministry of Public Service or the Treasury Department. The majority of personal file covers are light blue and all are marked confidential. 28 In terms of controls and verification processes, candidates invited to an interview at the Public Service Commission are required to bring the following documentation: * passport * certified educational certificates * testimonials * marriage certificates (in the case of married women). Copies of these documents are placed on the ministry file as well as on the Ministry of Public Service personal files. 29 It was noted during discussions with the Ministry of Local Government that a complete file should contain the information listed below. On inspection of files in other ministries, it was confirmed that this appears to be a standard list of documents across government agencies. Complete files contain: * vacancy declaration form * job description * application form * certified educational and training certificates * medical form * personal details form * first appointment letter * casualty returns * oath of secrecy form. 30 The personnel registries at the visited ministries are well-organised. Files are housed in compactus units or filing cabinets. At the Ministry of Agriculture a long row of filing cabinets serves as a counter. Information is relatively secure and files are located easily by responsible staff. 31 The Central Registry at the Ministry of Public Service is small and holds active, semi- active and inactive files. These files relate only to core public servants. The registry does not hold files for parastatal staff, teachers, police or office assistants. Nor does it hold personal files for staff of the Ministry of Public Service. Inactive files are held separately from active and semi-active files, although all categories of files are located in the same registry room. Access to the Central Registry is tightly controlled, and is only possible through a locked door. Ministry of Public Service staff wanting specific files must come to a counter to receive them. There is a compactus unit, and despite space constraints, the registry is well organised and efficiently managed. Files are neatly arranged, making it easy to locate and retrieve relevant records. The Registry has an internal control system whereby inactive files are allocated letter codes to denote employee status, including: * D – death * R – retirement * RR – resignation * DIS – dismissals. 32 The Registry at the Treasury Department is equally efficient. While access is not restricted to the same degree (there is no counter or controlled entry), the records are stored in compactus units and are well-organised. Electronic Systems and Records 33 A central computer database system, UNIQUE,3 was introduced to manage human resource information in 2001. Although responsibility for the system lies with the Ministry of Public Service, it is primarily used by the Treasury Department to process pay. Indeed the Ministry of Public Service no longer appears to use the system to manage human resources across the Public Service. Originally UNIQUE also linked a number of ministries including Finance (Treasury), Law and Constitutional Affairs, Agriculture and Foreign Affairs. The system was developed by Business Connexions/QData Dyanamique of South Africa. Examples of screens on UNIQUE can be found at Appendix H 34 UNIQUE is managed by the Lesotho Government Computer Support Service Department. Within the Treasury it is run from a server dating to 1999. The current version of the application was upgraded in September 2005 from Version 8 to Version 10. There is full documentation for the system and it is backed up daily. Operating and instructional manuals are available to staff. These appear to be of a high quality, with examples of screens and trial exercises. Staff believed that the system provided for an audit trail and a history of payments over time, but the nature of its records management functionality was unclear. Access is password controlled. Select Treasury staff have individual responsibilities for different ministries when inputting data into the system. Input of data into the system is based on the original casualty return. 35 Opinion of the UNIQUE system is divided. It was noted that the Ministry of Public Service abandoned using the system for the following reasons: * Its operating license was discontinued in 2005. * There were problems with the maintenance of the system. * Human resource information could not be entered or accessed by either the Ministry of Public Service or ministries into the system when Treasury was processing the payroll (often over a period of ten days). * The system was not user friendly, for example it had so many screens that it took a long time to capture the required information. * There was no proper criteria for selection of candidates for training in the system, thus many didn’t benefit from the training. * Many trained staff left the Ministry of Public Service for better paying jobs. 36 Staff within the Treasury noted that the UNIQUE system places a lot of responsibility on them and that great care is needed to ensure accuracy of data entry. Occasionally, employing ministries delay or default in submitting casualty returns, and this delays the proper processing of employee salaries through UNIQUE. The affected employees often end up being paid directly by cheque and the relevant data is not made available on UNIQUE, thus impacting on the accuracy of the payroll printouts. When UNIQUE was demonstrated during the visit, the example given was a situation where it had taken a year for an employee to get on to the system. 37 Network availability in the Ministry of Finance is not guaranteed on a regular basis. This inevitably leads to significant delays in processing of salary data. When this situation arises, the last available month’s data is used to process salaries. This has led to numerous complaints from staff. Direct payments, for instance to insurance companies or mortgage companies, are often affected. The Ministry network had been unavailable for three weeks at the time of the visit. This clearly has implications in terms of maintaining current electronic data. In discussions it was suggested that the information held in UNIQUE was inaccurate. This appears to have been caused partly by erratic network availability as well as lack of timeliness of processing casualty returns. 38 While some Treasury staff did not view UNIQUE as complex or cumbersome, it was suggested by a number of senior officials that the systems is due for replacement. In addition, the ten year old Government of Lesotho Financial Information System (GOLFIS) has been reviewed. While GOLFIS contains historical information it was reported to have significant data integrity issues. Both GOLFIS and UNIQUE are ‘stand alone’ systems. Plans are underway to develop an Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) and to build staff capacity when the new system is introduced. Officials confirmed that the new IFMIS being developed by the Ministry of Finance will be implemented in close collaboration with the Ministry of Public Service, and that there will be close links between the IFMIS and the new public service-wide HRIS. 39 The IFMIS system designers are well aware of the overriding importance of good recordkeeping as part of the development of the new system, and they are concerned that input data should be accurate, secure and authoritative. Development of both systems has been approved by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology. In the past, Poor co-ordination between the Ministry of Public Service and the Ministry of Finance may have led to some of the problems surrounding UNIQUE. It was thought by staff in both ministries that the development of the new systems will be closely monitored to ensure compatibility. Documentation about the IFMIS was not yet available as the proposed system was about to go to tender. In addition, it is too early to obtain any understanding of the proposed new HRIS. It seems likely, however, that information from the paper personal files will need to be input into the new systems. Keeping these files up to date will be crucial to ensure accuracy of data in the new systems. 40 Some ministries have established simple basic staff information databases using Microsoft Access2000™. These appear to have been developed partly to make up for the shortcomings of UNIQUE. Once a HRIS is introduced, and the IFMIS rolled out, it is unlikely that these interim databases will be maintained. The Access databases are standalone and are similar in form and content across ministries. For example, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, has a staff information database called the ‘Staff Management System’. It was established in December 2005, and it contains records on 1,213 employees. The desktop computer on which this database has been installed is located in a secure locked room, and only the network administrator had access to the password controlled system. The database is intuitive, user friendly and well-organised in terms of work flow. There is no operations guide or manual, although the network administrator clearly understood the database well. 41 Each month this database generates information on the: * salary bill * nominal role * staff compliment. Specific details of the database can be found at Appendix G. 42 The database is used to generate statistics on a number of queries, including the number of: * vacant positions * women employees * graduates * people due to retire. 43 The database also is used for confirming employment numbers in case of conflict particularly where names are similar or the same. 44 Another example of a ‘stand alone’ Access database was examined at the Ministry of Local Government. This database was established in July 2005 and is used to manage staff within line ministries attached to district administration under the Ministry of Local Government (discussed in paras 67 to 77). 45 The database manages the following three key functions: * salary bill * staff list * staff compliment 46 At the time of examination, the database included 6,542 entries for employees. Information was categorised by: * district council * district administration * community council. Backups are conducted monthly and information is copied on to discs and stored in the department. 47 The biggest problem with the system has been ensuring that information is kept up to date. Often casualty returns and other information are received late from outlying districts, particularly those in isolated mountain areas. 48 These databases can assist in the verification process of human resource information. Data can be matched between the database, personal file and payroll printouts. An audit to check on accuracy of the information on the databases will be required prior to data entry into any new HRIS. Human Resources, Payroll and Recordkeeping Issues 49 The Ministry of Public Service acknowledges the role that good recordkeeping can play in ensuring the control over numbers of public servants. The Ministry attributes some of the problems that it experiences in managing human resources to the manual recordkeeping system, which makes tracking information on public servants slow and cumbersome. At present, control over the total establishment is weak and inefficiencies in managing human resource information and data held in the payroll system have led to overpayments and late payments, which leads to potential opportunities for abuse of the system. It was noted that there is often a lack of agreement between the lists submitted by ministries and the Treasury payroll printouts. Due to the slow movement of casualty returns between ministries and the Ministry of Finance, it is particularly difficult to verify information between these two sets of records, with the result that the payroll is often higher than is budgeted against established positions. 50 The Auditor General and her staff expressed concern about inefficiencies in the manual processing of the documentation. In particular, human resource managers should be keeping documentation up to date, checking the accuracy of information and ensuring systems were working properly. This, however, often was not done. Audits have been completed in some ministries but more needs to be done to ensure that recordkeeping is of a high standard. The Auditor General was principally concerned about issues of over payment. Retrospective approval of study leave, combined with late or non-existent casualty returns, is a major problem that results in significant overpayments to staff. These monies are often are very difficult to recover. 51 A number of officials indicated that ghost workers are an issue. It was speculated that this occurs through the reuse of employment numbers of recently retired or deceased staff members, manipulation of personal information and collusion of staff. The slow processing of documentation, the lack of a methodology for cross-verification between pay and human resources information, and the limited means of auditing the records, has created opportunities for both deliberate and accidental inaccuracies. 52 Registry staff in the Ministry of Public Service take pride in their work. However, while the allocation of employment numbers by registry staff has not led, to date, to serious problems, tighter controls need to be put in place to manage the allocation of employment numbers. 53 Not only is the processing of documentation slow but filing casualty returns and other records can take some time. As the returns are a critical part of the pay process, complete accurate copies are required on the files of the relevant Ministry, the Treasury Department and the Ministry of Public Service. 54 Several instances were noted where there were different birth dates for the same person. The Auditor General said that when this occurs, the earliest birth date is used. Staff in various ministries made it clear that the Public Service Commission now scrutinises original documentation in detail to ensure that this information is accurate. Copies of the documentation are placed on files in the relevant ministry and the Ministry of Public Service. 55 While the master personal file is held at the Ministry of Public Service, there is some debate as to it holds the most complete files. It appears that in some cases line ministries have fairly good filing systems. Certainly the registries viewed were of a reasonable standard, and staff were aware of the need to keep filing up to date. In discussions, however, it was suggested that the filing in some ministries was poor, and in these situations the Ministry of Public Service personal file was the master record. Staff reported that there was a large amount of photocopying of personal information held on the ministry, Ministry of Public Service and Treasury files is done to ensure that each has current information. This is particularly important when a staff member nears retirement and all the relevant documentation is required for pension purposes. It seems likely that management of the files is at a point of transition. Although currently the file within the Ministry of Public Service should be the master personal file, with ongoing devolution of human resource functions, line ministry files will likely take on this role. 56 Although some ministries keep personal files for office assistants and temporary staff, the Ministry of Public Service does not. The reason given for this was that there are so many of these positions that keeping track of them was very difficult. It was unclear what personal files were kept on staff working on special projects. Files for all staff whether permanent or temporary, senior or junior, should be created and maintained. In the short term the master files should be held at the Ministry of Public Service. Ultimately, with ongoing devolution of human resource management, these can be held in line ministries. 57 The Ministry of Public Service is due to begin the process of replacing its current application (UNIQUE) with a more functional human resource information system. The Ministry will need to undertake this activity in consultation with the Ministry of Finance which is developing the IFMIS. In the long term the development of a public service-wide networked HRIS will assist in effectively managing personal information for public servants. A full review and business reengineering process will likely be required. In particular, a major revamp of the casualty return system, whereby changes to pay information can be done through networked systems from the ministry, should enhance the accuracy and timeliness human resource and payroll information. With ongoing reforms and devolution of human resource activities to ministries, care will need to be taken to ensure that personal files and database information in ministries are consistent and of a high standard. This will assist with data entry into the new HRIS. Recordkeeping functionality of the systems also will need to be considered to ensure the integrity of personal information over the long term. Uninterrupted network capacity, backup, storage and migration strategies will be necessary in order for personal information to survive over time. Procedures and staff training on human resource and payroll manual and electronic records need to be developed. 58 The State Archives has no dealings with human resource records, personal files or payroll information. It does not have access to any of these confidential records. While there are no retention and destruction schedules it is understood that personal files are kept for 50 years following retirement. It is essential that Archives staff should be in a position to offer professional advice on recordkeeping as it relates to human resources and payroll. This is discussed in more detail below. Ministry of Education Teachers Services Department and Teachers Personal Files 59 The Ministry of Education has 791 members of staff and there are approximately 15,000 teachers on the payroll. Almost three quarters of the Ministry’s budget (87 million maluti) is spent on salaries. Ministry staff are appointed through the normal Public Service Commission processes, while teachers are appointed through the Teachers Service Department. In the regions, district administrations (discussed below) provide services to Ministry staff and teachers, including functions relating to human resources. There are job descriptions for a large percentage of staff. There are also schemes of service although these require updating. 60 At the Ministry of Education, it was noted that movement of documentation between the district administrations, the Ministry and the Treasury is generally slow, resulting in payment arrears which inflate the monthly wage bill. Documentation relating to resignations, promotions and pensions also does not move quickly. The effect is always late payment. Processing a resignation or pension should normally take six months, but because of slow or incomplete documentation often takes up to a year. Transfers also present a problem, as often salaries continue to be paid to the teacher for two or more months in his or her previous position rather than being paid to the new station. Recovery of these overpayments is extremely difficult and systems need to be tightened to ensure that payments are made in a timely manner to the correct station. 61 Cheque fraud and ‘double dipping’, particularly in transfers to new positions, has been detected. The Auditor General expressed concern about payments to teachers. The Ministry of Education and Treasury is currently trying to pay teachers direct into bank accounts rather than by cheque. Progress in making this transition is slow. 62 An inspection was made of the teachers’ personal files in the registries at the Teachers Services Department. Approximately thirty files were examined in both the Primary Teachers Registry and Post Primary Teachers Registry. As in the case of core public servants, teachers are allocated an employment number by the Ministry of Public Service. Files in the registries are organised numerically by the unique employment number. Primary teacher files are prefixed with either 36 or 37 before the employment number, and post-primary staff files are prefixed with either 38 or 39, for example TSD/P/36-5073 and TSD/1/38-11878. 63 Despite limited space, both of the registries are well-organised, with neatly arranged files, and records were easily accessible by registry staff. However, the files can be accessed without great difficulty by unauthorised personnel. 64 Most files contain the seventh schedule (denoting employment contract) and the eighth schedule (Decisions of the Commission). Another schedule containing personal details also was held on some files. Information capture and basic documentation is not consistent. In particular, primary school teachers’ files hold less information and tend to have greater gaps in basic documentation. As in the core public service, the casualty return is the key document that triggers pay on appointment, and authorises changes to pay on promotion, transfer or change of circumstance. Out of the thirty-one personal files examined in primary and post primary registries, four had different dates of birth for the same person. 65 There are backlogs in filing of Casualty Returns. It was suggested that this is caused by a shortage of registry staff and an abundance (‘too many’) teachers. 66 Semi-current and inactive files are often transferred to the ‘teachers’ archives.’ Although the teachers’ personal files are neatly arranged on the shelves, the room is cluttered with miscellaneous items including stationary and un-serviceable equipment, and printouts and other documents stacked on the floor. An internal Teachers Services Department policy is needed to determine the procedures for transferring files to the Archives. Decentralisation and Local Government 67 Lesotho has embarked upon an ambitious decentralisation process. As part of the process a number of important governance and administrative structures have been developed including: * Community Council: an elected body of between nine and 15 members, including no more than two nominated chiefs and supported by a small administration which is a statutory entity neither subservient to a district council (see below) nor autonomous from a district council * District Council: an elected body comprising nominated representatives of the Community Councils with an administration headed by the district council secretary assisted by a core management team and technical departments * District Administration: supported by sector advisers drawn from central government line ministries and headed by a district administrator, who represents central government at the district level and has a co-ordinating and facilitating role in planning and implementing central government activities; the district administrator also provides advisory services to the District Council.4 District Development Coordinating Committees also are planned. 68 District council management team members consist of a council secretary, administration officer, legal officer, finance officer, human resources officer and procurement officer; while secretaries have been appointed in community councils. The district administrators have been appointed by the Prime Minister in consultation with the Minister of Local Government, who is answerable to the Prime Minister.5 69 Devolved staff are posted in the following manner: * Heads of technical departments are assigned to district administrations but remain central government employees. * Technical officers are assigned to district councils but remain professionally responsible to their central government ministry. * Field officers are assigned to community councils and are supervised by the Secretary.6 70 Technical staff have been reassigned from central government departments to the Ministry of Local Government and to the district administration. As at May 2006, this reassignment had affected 6000 employees in 15 line ministries including the Prime Ministers Office, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Homes Affairs and Public Safety and Tourism, Environment and Culture.7 There have been some problems with the decentralisation process including a lack of clarity of roles and functions that are to be decentralised by various ministries.8 71 At present staff of the Ministry of Finance and Judicial and Teaching Services remain centralised. There are, however, plans for re-assigning up to 15,000 teachers. The Ministry of Local Government is facing resistance to some transfers, including those involving teachers. It was noted by the Ministry of Local Government staff that although the teachers come under Ministry of Local Government, the Teachers Services Department would continue as the employing authority. 72 Personal files of devolved employees are currently held with the line ministries where they were originally created. Eventually, these will be transferred to the relevant administration or council. In the future, tasks associated with human resource management will be shared by the Local Government Services Commission, the Ministry of Local Government and community councils. District councils will administer staff on a day to day basis and perform basic human resources functions, the Ministry of Local Government will support the district councils,9 while the Local Government Service Commission is responsible for recruitment, discipline, promotion and welfare.10 73 The Ministry of Local Government plans to deploy human resources managers to district councils and to establish human resource units at the district level. A manual will be developed to clarify the roles of human resource managers in the districts. At present the districts operate simple, ‘stand-alone’ databases on desktops that contain human resource information including salary bills, staff lists, establishment, transfer and promotions and are used to generate reports. 74 While pay of affected staff will be decentralised to the district administration or the district councils, it is envisaged that Treasury will continue to process the payroll on behalf of districts. In addition, the payroll will continue to be audited by the Office of the Auditor General. 75 Files of Local Government ministry staff will be transferred to the Local Government Service Commission. Employees will retain the same employment numbers allocated by the Ministry of Public Service. In addition, new employees will continue to be allocated numbers by the Ministry of Public Service. 76 There is a need to manage records and archives at the district administration, council and committee levels. This includes the need to develop capacity, infrastructure and training. The Senior Archivist at the State Archives expressed concern about the current state of recordkeeping and the overall management of records in the districts. It was noted in discussions at the Ministry of Local Government that eventually the archives held in the Ministry of Local Government will need to be transferred to the State Archives and that records and archives centres will need to be established in the districts. 77 During a presentation and discussion with Commissioners of the Local Government Services Commission, there was considerable interest in recordkeeping issues in general and the implications for records management for human resources and payroll in particular. The need for proper training is seen as a high priority by the Commissioners. The State Archives and Records Management 78 The State Archives has a mandate in current recordkeeping through regulations issued in 1972. Since 1998 the Archives has focused on providing advice on recordkeeping and the establishment of records management units in ministries and departments. To date eighteen ministries have received advice on records practices, and fourteen records management units have been established. The next step is to establish records committees. However, in the light of the current staffing levels, this is likely to be a major challenge. 79 The Archives has developed a strategic plan that envisages the ministries playing a more pro-active role in the management of current records. In March 2005, two national workshops on records management were held for registry and records officers in government ministries. The objectives of the workshops were to: * sensitise registry/records managers about the role of records in good governance * establish a close working relationship between the State Archives and registries * develop a registry manual.11 80 Fifty-three participants attended the workshops including representatives from the Palace; Ministry of Finance and Development Planning; Ministry of Public Service; Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology; Ministry of Justice and Human Rights; and Ministry of Education and Training. The participants discussed a broad range of issues including the role of recordkeeping in terms of good governance, accountability and as evidence. Records and information structures in ministries were reviewed, and a draft manual for managing records was developed.12 81 There still are enormous challenges for records management in government, particularly given the limited resources. Records and their management are not generally well understood in terms of their contribution to ensuring accountability, evidence and transparency. Registries are viewed as a dumping ground for non-performing staff and the Archives is unable to provide full guidance and leadership due to very limited resources. In addition as noted above, the Archives presently plays no role in the management of financial and human resource records. 82 The quality of general records management varies from ministry to ministry, and in some ministries there are frequent reports of subject files being lost, destroyed or damaged. Some staff felt that many public servants are genuinely unaware of records management issues, but it also was suggested that some destruction was deliberate. In one discussion it was felt that often there is no proper handover between new senior managers, meaning that new appointees can claim ignorance of past transactions. This in turn means they can not be accountable for decisions made in the past and enables them to claim a clean administrative slate. The Internal Auditor in the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning reported that the current state of records in general is a real problem and that whenever a request is made for documents on a particular subject the response is invariably that they cannot be found. This was supported by the Accountant General, who reported that records were often not available as evidence for the Public Accounts Committee. 83 Registries often are viewed as dumping grounds for non-performing junior staff, and the lack of trained staff in registries is a challenge. While some registry staff have attended basic certificate and diploma courses at the Institute of Development Management (IDM) and the Lesotho Institute of Public Administration and Management (LIPAM), this training needs to be enhanced, particularly to address the impact of digital technologies and electronic records. 84 Due to the limited staff capacity in the Archives and lack of professional training in ministries, it is not possible at present to appraise records to determine their value. In addition, advising ministries on electronic records will become an urgent priority as electronic systems are developed. At present the Archives lacks capacity to advise on electronic records. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 85 The government of Lesotho has moved forward in public service reform and in the development of its ICT capability. Both human resource management and payroll are part of the reform processes. Human resource management is primarily manual, although some basic stand-alone Microsoft Access™ databases have been developed in ministries. A government-wide Human Resource Information System or HRIS, (UNIQUE) has been partially introduced. This has not been entirely successful and today is primarily used to process the payroll. A new government-wide HRIS is to be introduced shortly, while work on a new Integrated Financial Management Information System has already commenced which will computerise many financial processes and supersede the earlier GOLFIS financial system. 86 While the Public Service has basic control documents in place, there is a need to develop more effective and better co-ordinated systems and procedures for managing personnel and pay information. This will be an essential part of the introduction of a new government-wide HRIS, where business processes will need to be fully reviewed and in all likelihood reengineered. The current casualty return system needs to be revamped and systems put in place to ensure that information is acted on in a timely manner. As noted by the Auditor General, the Human Resource Units within line ministries need to ensure that personnel information is kept up to date and checked for accuracy. This will be particularly important in relation to long term ongoing devolution of the human resource function. In addition, regular audits should take place of human resource information held in ministries, the Ministry of Public Service and Treasury to ensure that data is accurate between the human resources and payroll. The Ministry of Public Service will need to work closely with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning so that the new HRIS and the new IFMIS systems can work effectively together to manage personal staff information and payroll. Recordkeeping functionality including uninterrupted power supply, backup, storage and migration strategies will also need to be considered to ensure the integrity of personal information over the long term. Procedures also need to be developed and staff training conducted to ensure that public servants are aware of the need to properly create and maintain records in the electronic environment. 87 The Teachers’ Services Department needs to work closely with the State Archives to consider long term management issues relating to teachers’ files and the ‘Teachers’ Archives’. 88 The decentralisation processes will have consequences for human resources and payroll records as well as government wide recordkeeping. Although there are basic central and regional stand-alone databases that contain information about devolved staff, reports suggest that records outside of Maseru, particularly in isolated areas, are poorly managed. The Ministry of Local Government will need to work closely with the State Archives and other ministries to ensure records issues are addressed in the decentralisation process. 89 While the Archives has had some success in enhancing general records management, much work remains to bring recordkeeping across government up to a national standard. The existing Act needs to be reviewed in line with international records and archives guidelines and standards, and enhanced or replaced by a new Act. The role of the State Archives in the management of both current and non current records across the public service needs to be reviewed and enhanced. Legislation should also address the overall management of electronic and digital records that are created and stored in a variety of formats in the ICT environment. 90 Without proper management of its government records and archives, Lesotho is in danger of not meeting good governance requirements in terms of accountability, evidence of transactions, and transparency, and will be unable to fully achieve its development vision. Appendix A PEOPLE CONSULTED Ministry of Public Service Mrs P Ramaqele, Acting Principle Secretary Mr Moji, Human Resources Manager Mrs Seala, Assistant Administrative Office, Head of Registry Ministry of Finance and Development Planning Mr Ken Hlasa, Accountant General, Treasury Mr Richard Letsoela, Deputy Accountant General, Treasury Mr Tsukulu, Assistant Accountant General, Treasury Mr Molefi, Human Resources Manager, Treasury Mr Motalingoane, Head of Salaries, Treasury Mr Muso Mokeno, Operations Supervisor, Treasury Ms Marha Nthare, Senior Accountant, Treasury Ms Mahelena Lephoto, Chief Internal Auditor Mr Peter James, Project Manager, Public Financial Management Programme Mr Robert Flanagan, Treasury Adviser, Public Financial Management Programme Mr David Watt, Advisor, Public Financial Management Programme Ms Tjonga Selaolo, Advisor, Public Financial Management Programme Ms Motseoa Masheane, Adviser, Public Financial Management Programme Ms Patricia Baristo, Advisor, Public Financial Management Programme Office of the Auditor General Mrs Lucy Liphafa, Auditor General Ms Monica Besetsa, Assistant Auditor General, Research and Development Mr Kopno Mou, Assistant Auditor General, Parastatal Audits Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology Dr Nketsi Makhera, Director, ICT Department Ministry of Local Government Mrs Malitlallo Majara, Director Human Resources, Department of Human Resources and Member Local Government Services Commission Mrs Mathato Matlanya, Chairperson, Local Government Services Commission Ms Pontso Lebotsa, Member, Local Government Services Commission Mr Thabo Ntai, Member, Local Government Services Commission Mr Rajeeve Ahal, Advisor, Decentralisation and Rural Development, Lesotho – German Decentralised Rural Development Programme (Ministry of Local Government and GTZ) Ministry of Agriculture Mrs Setefane, Human Resource Manager Ms Dineo Pitso, Assistant Systems Support Officer Ministry of Education Mr Odilon Makara, Deputy Principle Secretary Ms Moeketsi, Human Resources Manager Mr Mapetla, Chief Education Officer (responsible for Teachers Services Department) Ms Likele Thulo, Senior Executive Officer, Teachers Services Department Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture Mr JT Metsing, Principle Secretary Ms Ntina Qhobosheane, Principal Archivist, State Archives Ms Tebello Moseme, Archivist, State Archives European Union Mr Daniel Aristi, Acting Head of Delegation Ms Funa Sepiso Irish Aid Ms Paula Nolan Department for International Development (UK) Ms Diana Webster, Field Officer Appendix B BACKGROUND ON GOVERNMENT REFORM AND ELECTRONIC GOVERNANCE INITIATIVES The Government of Lesotho has prepared a national vision statement which notes that: ‘By the Year 2020, Lesotho will be a stable democracy, a united and prosperous nation at peace with itself and its neighbours. Its economy will be strong; its environment well managed and its technology well established.’13 Effective recordkeeping should play a crucial role in two of the key strategies for achieving the vision success strategies in achieving the vision, including attaining ‘full accountability for use of public funds’ and ‘utilising information technology for ensuring an information rich society’. Lesotho also has developed a Poverty Reduction Strategy. The focus of the strategy is on the following elements: * employment creation and income generation * agricultural development and food security * infrastructure development * democracy, governance, safety and security * health care and social welfare services * increasing quality and access to education * managing and conserving the environment * improving public service delivery.14 This research has implications for a number of these focus areas, including democracy, governance, safety and security as well as improving public service delivery. Controlling the public sector wage bill also will have an impact on the availability of resources to fund services to citizens. The Government of Lesotho has embarked on an extensive public sector management and reform programme. In the 2006 Budget speech the Minister for Finance and Development noted: …efforts will be directed towards sustaining reforms for improved service delivery at all levels of Government. It will be important to continue with the current programmes on public sector improvement and reform through institutional strengthening, capacity and systems development, including building capacity of the established democratic institutions in order for them to carry out their oversight responsibilities effectively.15 The first phase of the reform agenda has three components: * improving financial management and accountability * improving service delivery through decentralisation * improving public service management.16 All aspects of the reform programme are being driven by the Government Secretary. In terms of financial management, the preparation of the Government accounts has proved challenging over the years. Accounts were prepared between 1993 and 1997. However, reconciliation proved elusive. Fraud was rife and there were weak internal controls. There was a gap in their preparation between 1997 and 2000. Accounts were prepared by a consultant in 2000 and 2001 which although not considered accurate, were viewed as a useful starting point. Since 2001, the Ministry of Finance has prepared annual accounts. Their reconciliation continues to be problematic. The accounts focus on control of expenditure and actual receipts. Within the Ministry of Finance current reforms being undertaken include: * strengthening planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation capacity * improving control, accounting and auditing systems * strengthening and decentralising of internal audit functions to different ministries * strengthening oversight management and institutions * strengthening the capacity of the Treasury through comprehensive institutional and systems reforms.17 The offices and operations of the Accountant General and the Auditor General are being strengthened in order to enhance accountability and efficiency in the utilisation of public funds. These developments will have an impact on the payroll functions including oversight, management and audit mechanisms. There are many challenges to the financial reform process. Culture and attitudes were cited as significant barriers to change. As an example, it was noted that all ministries are supposed to report new projects involving significant cost to the Ministry of Finance, and yet recently fifteen new projects surfaced of which the Ministry had no knowledge. Decentralisation is also a key aspect of the reform process. Planning is well advanced to: * implement the change management programme to support the decentralisation process * establish a sound legislative, fiscal and institutional framework for the implementation of the Local Government Act 1997 * strengthen strategic planning and monitoring and evaluation at local levels * decentralise public functions and service delivery * decentralise authority and the services of Government of Lesotho departments.18 Lesotho also has embarked on developing its Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This is an important aspect of the Lesotho 2020 vision and the Poverty Reduction Strategy which includes the development of ICT policy as well as draft legislation. Responsibility for ICT development lies with the Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology. Among the many objectives of the legislation is recognition of the importance of promoting legal certainty and confidence in the integrity and reliability of data messages and electronic commerce; the development of e-government services and electronic communications and transactions with public and private bodies, institutions and citizens; and developing a safe, secure and effective environment for the consumer, business and the Government to conduct and use electronic transactions.19 Among the functions of the Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology’s ICT Department is responsibility for e-governance and e-commerce projects, including the development and upgrade of government websites to portal status and the provision of guidance to ministries on managing risk of ICT projects. There are a number of catalysts for this work, including the need to enhance the electronic government infrastructure and institutional frameworks to support the management of such areas as including, human resources, education, health and tourism. It is recognised that challenges lie ahead in pursuing this work including: * level of general literacy and ICT literacy * small staff capacity in the ICT Department * different levels of ICT Development within ministries * access to computers * changing culture * fear of change and loss of jobs * staff confidence * training issues * low salaries * high turnover of staff including programmers. Retention of skilled ICT staff within the public service and the country as a whole is a significant issue as many leave for better paid positions in the private sector in South Africa. Appendix C BACKGROUND ON THE PUBLIC SERVICE OF LESOTHO The Constitution of 1993 and the Public Service Act of 2005 are key documents for the management of the Lesotho Public Service. The constitution sets out details regarding the appointment of the Government Secretary, Auditor General, the Public Service Commission, principal secretaries and teaching service and defines activities associated with key issues affecting personnel management, such as pension laws and pension rights. It notes that: Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the power to appoint persons to hold or act in offices in the public service (including the power to confirm appointments), the power to exercise disciplinary control over persons holding or acting in such offices and the power to remove such persons from office shall be vested in the Public Service Commission. 20 The Public Service Act 2005 sets out provisions in respect of the public service of Lesotho with aims ‘to develop and maintain a stable, efficient and effectively managed public service.’21 The Act details: * the powers of the Public Service Commission * appointment to the Public Service * entry and advancement based on merit * secondment to parastatal organisations * powers of the minister * appointment functions and removal from office of the Government Secretary and principal secretaries * conditions of employment and conduct of public servants, settlement of disputes * Public Service Staff Association * retirement of public officers.22 It should be noted that appointment to the Public Service can be made on: * permanent and pensionable terms * contract terms * temporary terms * casual labour terms.23 The Act states: (1) that entry and advancement within the public service shall be based on merit, namely: ability, qualifications, knowledge, skill and aptitude after a fair and open competition which assures that all citizens of Lesotho receive equal opportunity. (2) In selecting candidates for appointment to a post in the public service, the Commission shall have regard primarily to the need for promoting efficiency within the public service. (3) The Commission shall have the power to reject short listed candidates who, in the view of the Commission, are not qualified for the job. Retirement is at age 60 although public servants may retire earlier. The Act notes that from time to time the Minister may prepare and issue codes of practice including a code of conduct and a disciplinary code. Appendix D BACKGROUND ON DECENTRALISATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Lesotho has embarked on an ambitious decentralisation process. Although decentralisation of health services commenced in the late 1970s, followed by the decentralisation of agricultural services in the early 1990s, the current process commenced in 2003. The objectives of decentralisation are to: * Deepen and widen public access to the structures of government. * Bring services closer to the people thereby improving service delivery. * Promote people’s participation in decision-making, planning and implementation of development programmes, giving the electorate greater control over the development process. * Promote equitable development in all parts of the country through the distribution of human, institutional and infrastructural resources.24 * Decentralisation is recognised in the constitution ‘as a key strategy for addressing poverty, as set out in the Lesotho Poverty Reduction Strategy, and is one of the main pillars of the country’s Public Service Improvement Programme.’25 Appendix E BACKGROUND ON THE STATE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT The initial role of the Archives, established in 1958 under the Office of the Government Secretary, was to manage colonial administrative files. Since then the Archives has expanded its functions and has been located within many different agencies, including the Department of Information, the Department of Culture and the Ministry of Education. It is currently part of the newly established Department of Library and Archives under the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture. The Archives Act (Act No 42) was passed in 1967 to regulate the operations of the Archives. The aim of the Act is: ‘to provide for the custody, care and control of public archives in the Kingdom of Lesotho and for matters incidental thereto’.26 The Act takes a traditional approach to archives and includes references to the establishment of archives depots, the powers and duties of the Chief Archivist, the establishment, constitution and function of an Archives Commission, selection and preservation of archives, acquisition of documents and records for archives depots, destruction of archives in archives depots, access to archives, annual report, regulations and offences. The Act defines archives as: ‘…any documents or records received or created in a government office or an office of a public authority during the conduct of affairs in that office.’27 It notes that records: ‘Include not only written records but records conveying information by any other means.28 In 1972, archives regulations were introduced to incorporate aspects of current recordkeeping. The records management function is still in need of strengthening, and the Archives Act needs either to be updated or new legislation needs to be developed to ensure that records are properly managed from creation through to destruction or retention as archives. This is particularly important as the government begins to grapple with issues associated with electronic records. While the present Act does say that records do not have to be in writing, it needs to be explicit in terms of digital technologies. The Archives has operated from many locations and facilities over the years. These have often been less than adequate, and as a result of frequent moves, there has been a loss of archives. For a period two small houses managed by the Ministry of Education were used as storage facilities. Between 1982 and 1998 the Archives operated from the basement of the University of Lesotho at Roma adjacent to the University Archives. While a key activity of the Archives is preserving records of permanent value, from 2000 onward, the Archives also has accepted transfers of semi-current records. There is a shortage of space, which has led to difficulties in providing adequate services. Between 1998 and 2006 the Archives was not open to the public. This allowed the Archives to make progress on processing (arranging and description) its archival holdings. Unfortunately, the Archives Commission has not met in many years and there have been no new appointments to this useful body. The first professional archivist was appointed in 1993; in 2006, the Archives has five established posts, with four filled and one vacant. Only two staff are professionally trained. The staffing situation in the Archives remains critical and needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. The reporting arrangements of the Senior Archivist and the Librarian, along with the structures of the Archives and the Library within the Ministry, are undergoing review and change. Until recently, the Archives did not have its own budget, and was required to compete for funds from a pool budget allocated to the Department of Culture within the Ministry. As the Library and Archives have been made a separate department within the Ministry, budgeting arrangements are being changed. It also appears likely that both the Senior Archivist and the Librarian will report to a new position within the Library and Archives department. There have also been discussions surrounding the possible merger of the Archives and Library. In 2006, the Archives moved into a new building in central Maseru which it shares with the Library. Funded and constructed by the Chinese Government, the building is an impressive facility that will assist in ensuring the preservation of archives. Arranging and describing the holdings already in custody is a priority. In the future it is hoped that an electronic finding aid system can be developed. Planning for this development is in the initial stages and the Archives has received some financial support from UNDP to pursue this project. Appendix F INFORMATION ON CASUALTY RETURN G.P. 30 Lesotho Casualty Return M 15677 To: THE ACCOUNTANT GENERAL, MASERU The following casualty is notified for necessary action: - Name of Officer ……………………………………………………………………………….. Personal Number, if any………………………………………………………………………... Present Rank……………………………………………………………………………………. Grade…………………………………………………………………………………………… Station………………………………………………………………………………………….. Nature of Change (s)………………… Effective Date (s)…………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Annual Salary after above change……………………………………………………………… Authority where necessary……………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Date……………………….. ……………………………………………………………. Permanent Secretary/Head of Department/D.A.S. GPL 322/99 – 1 m BKS Appendix G STAFF INFORMATION DATABASE, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY In terms of the salary bill the following information is available for each staff member: * department * designation * surname * other names * gender * employee number * date of birth * employment date * retirement date * grade * budget * actual * variance * remarks. The staff compliment has information on: * department * designation * grade * budget * actual * variance * remarks The nominal role has information on: * department * number of posts * position/title * grade * name of the holder * employment number * date in present position * incremental date * salary per month * salary per annum Database screens include: * add new record * delete record * search by name, employment number and other fields. Appendix H SAMPLE RECORDS FIELDS IN THE UNIQUE SYSTEM AS VIEWED AT THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT Screen 1 Ministry Vote Head * Employee number * Date of engagement, * Position * Job title Screen 2 Personal Details * Surname and title * First names * Preferred name * Residential address * Post code * Telephone * Date of birth * Age * Place of birth * Religion This information originally would have been entered by the Ministry of Public Service. However, as the Ministry has discontinued in the use of UNQUE, this screen is left blank or information is missing. Screen 3 Payment Method * Codes for payment methods, for example cheque, cash or direct to bank account. * Bank details Screen 4 Employment Details, Date of Engagement Screen 5 Location details denoting the payment point For example, district or department, Ministry headquarters or Post Office. Screen 6 Tax details. For example pay as you earn. Screen 7 Salary details. For example incremental date, scale, engagement date. Screen 8 Deductions. For example loans or recovery of overpayment. Screen 9 Allowances. For example mountain allowances, dependant allowance or acting allowance. Screen 10 Print pay slip Screen 11 Generate reports 1 Prioritised Implementation Matrix For The Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, 2004/5 to 2006/7 July 2005 2 Public Service Act 2005 3 The full system name is ‘UNIQUE: The Intelligent Human Resources and Payroll Management Solution: A system to facilitate payment relating to salaries and allowances’. It was made available as Dynamique ResourceLink as of September 2006. 4 Lesotho Non State Actors, Microprojects and Decentralisation p13 5 Status Report on Establishment of Local Authorities in Lesotho 20 June 2005 Lesotho – German Technical Cooperation Program: Support to Decentralised Rural Support. 6 Lesotho Non State Actors, Microprojects and Decentralisation pp 14 - 17 7 Status Report on Establishment of Local Authorities in Lesotho 20 June 2005 8 Status Report on Establishment of Local Authorities in Lesotho 20 June 2005 9 Lesotho Non State Actors, Microprojects and Decentralisation p16 10 Status Report on Establishment of Local Authorities in Lesotho 20 June 2005 11 Report on Two Day Records Management Workshop, Organised by the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture for Registry/Records Officers 14 – 15 March 2005 12 Report on Two Day Records Management Workshop 13 (accessed 9 August 2006) 14 (accessed 22 June 2006) 15 ( (accessed 22 June 2006) 16 (accessed 22 June 2006) 17 Prioritised Implementation Matrix For The Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, 2004/5 to 2006/7 July 2005 (accessed 22 June 2006) 18 Prioritised Implementation Matrix For The Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, 2004/5 to 2006/7 July 2005 (accessed 22 June 2006) 19 (accessed 9 August 2006) 20 Constitution Lesotho (accessed 22 June 2006) 21 Public Service Act 2005 22 Public Service Act 2005 23 Public Service Act 2005 24 Lesotho Non State Actors, Microprojects and Decentralisation, EU Identification Report, Draft May 2006. Identification Team IBF International Consulting South Africa (Tony Land and Hans Peter Dejgaard) p 12 25 Lesotho Non State Actors, Microprojects and Decentralisation p12 26 Archives Act, Act 42 of 1967 27 Archives Act, Act 42 of 1967 28 Archives Act, Act 42 of 1967 ?? ?? ?? ?? 39